A set collection tile placement game for two museum curators.
Player: 2 . Time: 15 minutes . Age: 10+
Designer and Artist: Ta-Te Wu
You are curators, seeking to create the best setup for the new water-themed exhibit at your art museum. One of you believes very strongly in the power of vertical alignment, while the other argues that the focus should be on horizontal structure. You will each take turns placing the paintings in the exhibit, and once you’ve finished, you’ll earn presentation points for the horizontal or vertical groupings of the artwork. When the exhibition ends, the curator with the most points wins!
Rules: English
Board Game Geek
Unbox video of AQUA Box Deluxe Edition by eVanDiesel
August Gen Con
booth# 2563 (Dead Alive Games)
October Spiel
Booth# TBA
Carefully consider tile placements to maximize points based on the matching icons, numbers, and special positions like sea turtle and lily pond paintings.
As a two-player game, Aqua encourages direct interaction between players, leading to a more engaging and competitive experience.
The theme of curators setting up a water-themed exhibit in an art museum adds a creative and engaging element to the gameplay, making it more interesting for players.
Explore different strategies and adapt approaches based on their opponent's moves.
Visually appealing artwork of the paintings and museum setup add aesthetic value and enhance the overall gaming experience.
How to play AQUA by Plumpy Timble
Playthroughs from CCG
Kickstarter Preview from Merry Married Meeples
Game review in Vietnamese by Dang Ton of Donut & Dragon