Game: FORK (Fox, owl, rabbit, kale)
Player: 2 to 6 . Time: 20 minutes . Age: 8+
Illustrator: Lili Chin
Funded on Kickstarter: Mar 2023
F.O.R.K. (Fox, Owl, Rabbit, Kale) is a food chain trick-taking game for 2 to 6 players. The game is fun to play and the rules are easy to learn. It's perfect even for children and people who never played trick-taking games.
The goal of the game is to capture animals or kale in the food chain.
In the game, players take turns leading the trick. The active player calls the suit (terrain), and players must follow if they have the cards or play a fox because it is wild. When playing a card, players must play kale face up and everything else face down. After players have played a card, reveal all cards and resolve from the highest number to the lowest. The player who played the fox can score an owl or rabbit. If the owl survives, it can score a rabbit, and so forth. And if your kale survived, you will score your own kale :) There can be more than one player scoring a card per trick.
When a player has five scorecards, the game ends, and the player with the highest score wins the game. That's FORK :)
Finally, we love animals. We made sure no animals were harmed in the making of this game :)
Rules: English
Pokcet FORK
Travel size tuckbox edition.
Original. MSRP $12.
Team Owl. Limited Edition. MSRP $13.
Team FORK. Limited Edition. MSRP 13.
* Not available for pre-order.
In addition to playing cards, it comes with a scoreboard, six score tokens, a terrain token, and a Wild Kale expansion set.
Kickstarter Edition also includes one FORK active player token, two vinyl stickers, and a coaster.
Box FORK - Deluxe
Limited Kickstarter Edition. It comes with seven expansion sets, FORK and fox active player tokens, two vinyl stickers, and four coasters.
Play FORK on Tabletopia
How to play video for 4+ player game from Plumpy Thimble
How to play video for 4+ player game from Jenders Gaming.
Podcast from Cardboard Time. Time 2:10.
"These tricks make Fork interesting. Not only the best player generates points, but everyone else has the opportunity to collect points in front of themselves through skillful discarding and a bit of luck." - Brettspiel Giraffe & Ines
Kickstarter preview from Plumpy Thimble.
" 《FORK》選擇食物鏈作為主題,和吃墩機制結合堪稱一絕!玩家們在遊戲中互相猜測、算計,甚至可以針對分數領先的對手捕食,時刻充滿著歡樂、刺激又累積仇恨值的玩家互動,如果讀者們喜歡《The Crew 星際探險隊》與《盒中貓》這些另闢蹊徑的吃墩遊戲,也肯定不能錯過這款作品!" - 那隻哈士奇挖的桌遊坑 NatsuHotsuki On Board
FORK: The Food Chain Trick-Taking Game Preview by Inspired 2 Game.
Kickstarter preview from Love 2 Hate Board Game Reviews.
Amanda Panda 4-player playthrough
Limited Time w/ Kickstarter Exclusives
Boxed Meeple (5:26)
Review in a SNAP from the Family Gamer
FORK Review - Fox Owl Rabbit Kale! from Don’t be Bored.
BoardLive (Korean)