Game: Boba Mahjong
Player: 2 . Time: 20 minutes . Age: 10+
Illustrator: Holly Chiu
Funded on Kickstarter: Feb 2022
Boba Mahjong is a 2-player mahjong variant card game using set collection and rummy mechanics. In the game, players create sets of three cards during their turn. After creating a set, the player keeps one of the cards as an ingredient card. When a player has five sets of ingredient cards, the round ends. Players will use the best six ingredients to make their boba drink and collect points based on the freshness, smoothness, complexity, and presentation of their drink. The game will continue for several rounds until a player has 30 or more points, and the player with the most points wins the game!
Rules : English
“What I love is that when it comes time to score, the simple mechanics peel away to reveal a much richer experience than I originally anticipated.” - Daniel Robison of Plumpy Thimble.
“After dozens of plays, I'm still learning how deep Boba Mahjong is. For such an easy ruleset, this game will get your gears turning!” - Patrick Hepner of Level Up Board Games.
How to play video from Plumpy Thimble.
Kickstarter preview by Daniel Robison of Plumpy Thimble
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